About this Blog...

About this Blog...

This Blog is intended as a resource for all Bonsai enthusiasts. My name is Ed Lowes and I live in Kent in the UK. I purchased my first Bonsai tree in December 2011. I found that taking up Bonsai as a hobby can be a daunting process so my aim in this blog is to compile everything I have learnt over the past year and my experiences as my collection grows. I welcome tips, advice and questions from beginers to experienced Bonsai growers alike. In creating this blog I aim to build a friendly community where participants can share knowledge and just generally chat about experiences. Happy Bonsaiing!!!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

New Acer Deshojo

This is the newest addition to my Bonsai collection! An Acer Deshojo. I had some spare cash and decided to invest in a larger tree. Pretty spontaneous decision  but hopefully it will be with me for the rest of my life. There is a guy nearby where I live who has turned his house and garden into a Bonsai nursery and has a collection of about 2000 trees!!! Some are his own personal collection but he has trees for sale suitable for collectors from novice to life long enthusiasts. Anyway, I will write a post about his Nursery soon so back to the point... With a budget of £50 I started to look around and was drawn to two trees, one was a Pseudo Larch and the other an Acer Deshojo. Both trees were bare of leaves so I was able to inspect the design and buds. The Larch had been trained in a Formal Upright style and I am not quite sure how to classify the Acer (any help regarding this would be much appreciated). I decided to go for the the Acer in the end. The owner of the nursery gave me some advice on how to look after it over the winter. There were loads of weeds in the pot which he offered to remove for me, but i asked him if he would demonstrate the best way to go about removing all of them including their roots. He was more than willing to show me and using a root hook he started to scrape away at the top few millimetres of the soil uprooting all the weeds. As I didn't have a root hook I decided to buy one. He also told me that I was more than welcome to come back any time with any of my Bonsai for help and advice with any aspect of the hobby. I will definitely be taking the tree back to get some advice as the spring comes around and new shoots emerge.

Here are some pictures of me removing the rest of the weeds:

The weed that I was told to look out for in particular is called Liverwort. You can read up on it here...Liverwort Information. Hopefully moss will spread over the surface of the soil. I shall keep you posted.

And this is my new tree! Cant wait to see how it looks with leaves...

I will compile a care sheet with everything I can find out about growing Acer Deshojo Bonsai.

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