About this Blog...

About this Blog...

This Blog is intended as a resource for all Bonsai enthusiasts. My name is Ed Lowes and I live in Kent in the UK. I purchased my first Bonsai tree in December 2011. I found that taking up Bonsai as a hobby can be a daunting process so my aim in this blog is to compile everything I have learnt over the past year and my experiences as my collection grows. I welcome tips, advice and questions from beginers to experienced Bonsai growers alike. In creating this blog I aim to build a friendly community where participants can share knowledge and just generally chat about experiences. Happy Bonsaiing!!!

Friday 9 November 2012

My First Bonsai.

This is the first Bonsai tree I got... Lonicera Nitida a  "perennial shrub, a member of the honeysuckle genus Lonicera. In English, it is sometimes given the common names"boxleaf honeysuckle" or "Wilson's honeysuckle"." (excerpt from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonicera_nitida) It was bought from a garden centre chain nearby last December. I paid £5 for it which just goes to show how accessible Bonsai is as a hobby. At first it was a two inch long trunk with a couple of branches and after nearly a year of watering, feeding, wiring and spending many an hour watching it grow, it is on it's way to being a lovely little Bonsai. My aim is to train it into a semi cascade style! 

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