About this Blog...

About this Blog...

This Blog is intended as a resource for all Bonsai enthusiasts. My name is Ed Lowes and I live in Kent in the UK. I purchased my first Bonsai tree in December 2011. I found that taking up Bonsai as a hobby can be a daunting process so my aim in this blog is to compile everything I have learnt over the past year and my experiences as my collection grows. I welcome tips, advice and questions from beginers to experienced Bonsai growers alike. In creating this blog I aim to build a friendly community where participants can share knowledge and just generally chat about experiences. Happy Bonsaiing!!!

Monday 12 November 2012

Bonsai for the Home and Garden by Leonard Webber

Whilst out shopping one day with my girlfriend, we popped into a local charity bookshop... I dug around in the gardening section and came accross a book on Bonsai...Bonsai for the Home and Garden by Leonard Webber < I found a few secondhand copies on Amazon that are very reasonably priced. The book has extensive and  invaluable information on all aspects of growing and maintaining bonsai. It includes botanical illustrations, full colour pictures, month by month maintenance routines and a species guide. Although the book is fairly dated, it is a usefull resource and has been a great source of reference to me over the last few months. I would deffinately recomend it to anyone interested in growing Bonsai.

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